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The Best 6 Parenting Apps


Parenting isn’t always easy. It takes a village, right? Sometimes you don’t have a band of buddies behind you to help out with all of the day-to-day issues that you, as a parent, have to tackle. That’s okay. Even if you’re going it alone (or it’s just you and your significant other), technology is here to save the day! Whether you need help organizing, something to keep the kiddos busy, or are looking for deals (but, don’t have time to search dozens of sites), these awesome apps are the new mother’s little helpers.


Chore chart? No way. That’s so 1980s. ChoreMonster is the tech-friendly version of the old school chart. Parents register through the app, add their kiddos and create chores. Doing chores helps the kids rack up points. Children can then turn in their points (to mom and dad) for rewards. The app keeps track of it all!

Dexteria Apps

This family of apps is designed to educate your little learner, while entertaining them too. These awesome apps help kids build fine motor skills, develop spatial reasoning abilities, learn about basic math concepts and bonus – they’re fun. Dexteria’s apps come in an array of options. These include P.O.V. (spatial reasoning, left/right, math, and mapping), LetterReflex (for children with dyslexia), Dexteria (fine motor development), Dexteria Jr. (the pint-sized version of Dexteria, for kids ages 2-6), Dexteria Dots and Dexteria Dots 2 (fine motor, visual motor, visual memory, and math) and Dexteria VMI (visual-motor integration).



Who has time to sift through coupons, deal websites and your favorite stores’ circulars? Not busy parents. That’s why you need an app like Shopular. The app gives users notifications from top retailers when there are can’t-miss deals. And, not just any retailer. The app provides offers from stores that are actually near you. It also lets you choose which deals you see, and which ones you don’t (eliminating the need to browse through totally unnecessary deals that you could care less about). You can also redeem coupons straight from your phone and join in with the app’s interactive community of other shoppers.

Bank of Mom


Teach your kiddo financial literacy from the get go. Bank of Mom lets you easily keep track of your child’s allowance, birthday gifts, and any money that they earn. Create accounts for each child, track transactions, and even track time that your child spends on activities (such as video game play).

These time-saving apps will help streamline your day and leave you with more time to enjoy your kiddos and family. Take advantage of all that technology has to offer to help you experience more of life’s precious moments!